“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.
The old has gone, the new is here!”
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
Have you ever been in the kind of situation wherein you’ve done something really-really-extra-really bad and felt like you’ll never be forgiven for it? I bet all of us have been there. At least, I can say I have.
The perks of getting to know Jesus everyday through reading His Word and through prayer is that you’ll discover not only a lot of things about Him but also about yourself, too.
I can say that it’s such a life-saver to know about this TRUTH from God which says that once you receive Jesus Christ in your life as your Lord and Savior, you become a new creation, a brand new person whose past, present and future offenses have been forgiven and forgotten (2 Corinthians 5:17) – and no, God doesn’t keep a recycle bin in case you’re worried about Him ever having to remember anything about it. He won’t remember any of your offenses not because he can’t (c’mon, I mean He’s got the best memory capacity in the entire universe!) but because He’s promised to “remember your sins no more” (Hebrews 10:17).
Humans that we are, we may still stumble and falter and, sometimes, we can’t we help but feel awful about it. This often leads to us being reminded of our past. And more often than not, if we don’t have a firm foothold in believing the truth that God loves us no matter what, we fall back and retreat from Him just like Adam and Eve did when they realized they’ve sinned against God. Let me tell you something about that. The truth is that they hid from God because the devil kindled in their hearts the guilt caused by their disobedience, apart from the shame upon realizing their nakedness.
The enemy will always try to remind us of our past and rob us of our future with Jesus. What should we do then?
Remind yourself of God’s promises. Have faith in His Word. Grasp it. Savor every word. Delight in this wonderful TRUTH that no matter who you were in the past, there is a loving God who is just waiting for you to come to Him, ready to have you in His arms and strip you off of your every sin and shame. Remember that Christ who was blameless became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). Believe that Jesus is your righteousness amidst your imperfections. And that’s how you shut off the voices of condemnation.
Dear brewer, if you’re still often being reminded by your past, please know that He is not an angry God anymore. All your transgressions have been paid for by the perfect work of Jesus on the cross. All He desires is for you to come to Him as you are, accept Jesus as your Savior and let Him lord over all the areas of your life. God loves you and that’s that. You cannot ever make Him unlove you.
Thoughts to live by: God’s Love transforms us into new beings.