A Short Film Reflection: “Alike” by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez

(CTTO: “Alike” is an animated short film directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez. Thanks to our pals at Overthinking. for sharing this cool video on Facebook.)   This short film pretty much sums up me and my boy in a nutshell. ? His art-filled school notebooks and my random day-dreamings at work speak for themselves.


Unshaken (Earthquake Aftermath)

I wrote this one on April 8, 2017 (9:09pm), same day after a magnitude 5+ earthquake had hit the city, twice. It was really bad. Sometimes, fear can really cripple our hearts and spirits, such as times like these. But we gotta step out of faith amidst the lurking fear, and finally realize that God…
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Knowing the Same God on a Whole New Level

Photo above was randomly taken by my husband while we were on the bus during our trip to Manila for my son’s school field trip. Among the 5 days of Prayer and Fasting (spearheaded by Every Nation churches around the world on January 9–13 of this year), I would say that this particular day (Day-2) was one of…
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God, Paper Boats and I

You’re more than just paper. You’re a paper boat. I never designed you to sink. I designed you to float. Waves may tower; Beneath unknown. But do not cower, Don’t paddle on your own. Set your eyes upon me, Be still and keep afloat, Never will I leave you, You’ll never be alone. When waters…
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Conquering Mountains

Our mountains represent the struggles we face in our everyday lives. It may be financial, relationships, health conditions and God knows what’s more. And each day, we climb up with sweat dripping down our foreheads as we toil under the heat of the sun – just as how the world taught us to do. If…
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