Cup (Original by Bonzai Melo)

Here’s another one from my good ol’ treasure chest. I wrote this song 9 years ago (February 4, 2007). Few good friends have heard it before. Hope to make a good record out of it someday. For now, I’ll just be using it to prop up this cup art that I made. Enjoy!


JOVITA CAFE: A Piece of Batangas City, Brewing at its Best

The province of Batangas has long been known for its exceptional strong brewed coffee known as the “Kapeng Barako”. That would make Batangueños more likely to be coffee drinkers than not, I presume. However, here in the city proper of Batangas, we’ve roughly got a few good ones which can really be considered as real coffee-brewing…
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bonsleepYep. Setbacks of having way too much coffee. It’s a complicated relationship, coffee and I. Really.

Anyways, below is one of my caffeinated thoughts that I wrote just today.


You stained me

Once pale lips dyed noir

Wallowing in profound wakefulness

No, the softest cradle cannot do


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“A Bonsai with the Heart of a Big Tree”

Wrote this one on a random day of December 2013.

“I have so much to say. So much that it woke me despite that my body’s still begging me to sleep. My heart was pounding and so I could not stay slumber. I wrote down my very first thoughts of the morning.” Continue reading